Saturday, June 7, 2008

"Spoilers" says Riversong

This time I pick up where the Doctor is trying to access Cal. The doctor is clearly divided in his attention because although he is trying to solve the problem at hand, he keeps looking at Riversong's diary. You can just tell it's driving him crazy.

(Doctor is talking to girl through tv)

“What happened. Who was that?”

“You heard him people. Let there be light.”

(Doctor picks up RiverSong’s diary)

“Sorry, you’re not allowed to see inside that book. It’s against the rules.” Doctor, “What rules.” RiverSong, “You’re rules.”

RiverSong says, “It’s the little girl” in response to the books flying off the shelves.

She says to “ask Mr. Lux” when the Doctor wants to know what Cal is.

“Then why don't you sign his contract?” (Pause) “I didn’t either. I’m getting worse than you.” “There was a message from the library. Just one. ‘The lights are going out.’ And the computer sealed the planet and there was nothing for a hundred years. There was one other thing in the last message. I trust this man with my life. With everything.” Lux says, “You’ve only just met him.” She says, “Nope, He’s only just met me.” “This is the data script that came with the message. ‘4,022 saved. No survivors.’”

“4.022. That’s the exact number of people who were in the library when the planet was sealed. That’s what we’re here to find out.

“Ms. Evangelista, please state your current...Please state your current…..position. It’s her. It’s Ms. Evangelista. Uh, I’m sorry everyone. This isn’t going to be pleasant. She’s ghosting. This is her last moment. No we can’t. A little respect, thank you.” To Proper Dave.

“It’s a data ghost. She’ll be gone in a moment.” She presses communication button, “Ms. Evangelista, you’re fine. Just relax. We’ll be with you presently. Yes, she’s here. Hold on. Go ahead. She can hear you.” To Donna.

“She’s leaving know. The pattern’s degrading. Does anybody mind if I…” She pulls the data from Ms. Evangelista’s collar.

“It’s just a freak of technology. Whatever did this to her, whatever killed her, I’d like a word with that.”

Doctor, “I’m gonna need a pack lunch,” RiverSong, “Hang on.” Doctor, “What’s in that book.” RS, “Spoilers.” Doctor, “Who are you?” RS, “Professor RiverSong, University…” Doctor, “To me, Who are you to me.” RS, “Again. Spoilers. Chicken and a bit of salad. Knock yourself out”

Episode - The Silence in the Library

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